Deep tech has gained much prominence in recent years across industries, transforming fields with groundbreaking solutions that challenge old and tough problems. This is...
Mobile Premier League or MPL, the new-age gaming unicorn based on skill, has invested strategically in Surat-based game studio XSQUADS through its new publishing...
Thomas Dohmke, CEO of GitHub, recently praised India's developer community, calling it the "fastest-growing on the planet." His post on X (formerly Twitter) highlighted...
In a world increasingly burdened by waste, Pradip Jadhav, the visionary Founder of Gigantiques Decor is on a mission to redefine sustainable living.
FounderLabs sat...
Start Up Sarvam AI which is Bengaluru based, launched full-stack Generative AI platform Sarvam Agents, Sarvam Models and an API for developers.
Bengaluru-based AI...