Do you know that two-thirds of the world’s school-aged children — 1.3 billion children aged 3 to 17 – lack access to the internet at home?
Riding on the digital wave
Children aren’t the only ones who can’t connect to the internet owing to a lack of access. They are unable to compete in the modern economy as a result of this. They are cut off from the rest of the world. They will also miss out on an education in the case of school closures, such as the ones millions of people are experiencing as a result of COVID-19. To put it bluntly, a lack of internet connectivity is jeopardizing the future of the next generation.”
Collaboration with the leaders in Education
BHARAT EDTECH INITIATIVE has stepped up to bridge the digital gap and ensure excellent education for India’s underprivileged children. They teamed up with GiveIndia, the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, and Sattva to develop an effort to close the digital divide and provide excellent education to India’s poor children.

Bharat EdTech has onboarded more than 1 lakh students from underprivileged families on their platform in a short period of time as part of their objective to bridge the learning gap created by the Covid and reintroduce them to their learning path.
It has also been noted that bringing rural communities together has always been difficult. Large swaths of rural India lack a strong broadband connection, and fewer rural families have internet access.

The gap between mobile broadband adoption and internet use is wide, placing a huge number of school-aged children, particularly from low-income and rural areas, at danger of falling behind in their education due to a lack of online connection at home.
Within states and regions, there are also geographical differences.
A great initiative to reach out to masses
Bharat EdTech is taking a great initiative to providing children with the required procedures to bridge the learning losses of the previous two years when they return to school in 2022 through the project. Within five months of launching on-the-ground initiatives, these achievements were accomplished in 10 states. Students have the freedom to learn in a language of their choosing at any time and from anywhere.